TXOzskrE 20/05/2013 01:34:31
Hi anon,You are right.But I'll let my kid read whatever he / she likes.As long as he / she ejoyns reading, he / she will read more. And when he / she reads more, he / she will acquire the ability to judge between good or bad.Come on, most HK kids just don't read!:)Sherry:咦,樓上的anon說這本書很trashy呢,未想到受歡迎到這個地步我倒不那麼"驚"一個人如果有閱讀能力/寫作能力/發現問題的能力,基本上已能解決大部份人生煩惱,你說是嗎?PL:既然如此,那你還是幸運的:)讀與吃:我也懶呀,但又羨慕人家本事...都是那一句:子非魚,焉知魚之樂?daniel:我不知道什麼是"鳳翔改改"rico lee:haha...is it not obvious enough?
renek 04/08/2008 17:57:06
tak se nato uni ronovim pohledem
Paja 20/05/2007 15:42:54
ten Ron je strasnej. schvalne trapi Harryho :( mysim to s Cho